What more can I even say about this? Remember that Wrap Party I had for the Season 1 of Everyday Cookin? Well....I had left over red bell peppers. I thought LONG AND HARD about what to do with them. Know what I came up with?!?!
White chicken pizza...somehow chicken, red bell peppers, a hit of garlic, and Alfredo just seems to go well with me - so that's what I did.
I totally bought that pizza dough from the grocery store. BUT, I made my own Alfredo - I think I can make mine more flavorful than the ones in the jar. I tossed on a mix of mozzarella and aged cheddar cheeses, red bell peppers, chunks of chicken that were sauteed in olive oil, salt, and pepper, and that's it. Oh, I threw the red pepper flakes in the filling versus on top. I LOVE red pepper flakes on my pizza and I can never really get enough. So instead of putting it on the top - well, I'm the pizza maker - so I put it on the inside - lol.
Don't you just love it?
Well folks, enjoy the pictures. I've got a heaping handful of red velvet cupcakes to make this weekend. 11 orders to be exact with a few of those being 3-dozen orders! Pray for me!
Enjoy your weekend!