Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Can Ya Vote...Pretty Please?

So, it seems I've been nominated for my first ever Black Weblog Award for my food blog - Everyday Cookin!

Please, please, and please some more...go here - http://www.blackweblogawards.com/database/step1.php

Or click HERE

You have until August 31st!

And I totally think you should vote for me. If I win, I think I should have a party and invite all of you to eat, eat, eat...and eat some more!


PS: I'm going to bug the hell outta yall to vote for me!

You know what's so cool about this whole thing? It's that I never even created the food blog for any pomp or circumstance. I'm just a dude that likes food and likes to cool. I'm so honored and humbled that people like my cooking and my food enough to nominate me. For real, this is bringing tears to my eyes. Thanks all...


  1. Huge Congrats and you've got my vote!

  2. alright, alright...I'm going RIGHT NOW. I like how you've had y our blog for such a short time and you're already up for awards. That's hot!

  3. You already got my vote.

  4. Awesome! I voted for you. And I tagged you for a meme over at my blog if you wanna come play. :-)

  5. Okay already, I'll vote :) Since I live around the world you'd better deliver some of that party grub. Lol!

  6. How cool is that! Going to cast my vote now :)

  7. Oh congrats, maybe you didn't do it for pomp and circumstance - but it must be nicec, eh!?!

    You've got my vote :)

  8. Congrats for being nominated. I'm going to vote for you NOW! :-)

  9. I wanna vote & the comp is stiff. Anyway, I wen tot vote & why come I have to vote in all 30 categories when I am only really interest in one?


  10. Have voted! Well done you for getting nominated!! You deserve to win.

  11. voted! (:

    also, this BLT looks awesome.

  12. I love the flavour combos that you come up with. New twists on old classics.
    BLT has to be the best sandwich going and you have made it even better.
    Now, how to figure out how to vote in all these other categories when you are the only blog that I know in the contest. I wish they would let you vote in the category you want instead of all of them.

  13. I love your blog but I don't want to vote in 29 categories I haven't heard of!

  14. OK - You have my vote! But when you win, can you ask them to change the format for next year please?

  15. Oh wow, this must taste amazing!

  16. Sorry I missed voting, but I just discovered your blog.

  17. Hey - look at you!! Well done on the nomination, and the win. Way to go!
