Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lemon Chicken Pasta - An Everyday Cookin' Classic

This is an Everyday Cookin' Classic for sure.

It takes literally about 10 minutes to make. The hardest thing about this dish is waiting to eat it. The pasta cooking is really the longest part. The technique is easy too. It's all about creating layers of flavor. The pasta is seasoned. The oil has been infused with garlic, onion, and red chilli. The chicken has been slightly charred. A fresh dousing of lemon juice and you're ready to rock and roll.

2 cooked chicken breasts, cut and cubed (if they're not cooked, you can cook them in the saute in Step1 below - this should add another 7 minutes to your cook time)
1/2 cup of frozen peas
1/4 lb of whole grain pasta
2 table spoons of minced garlic
2 tablespoons of minced onion or shallots
1/8 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
5 tablespoons of olive oil, separated
salt and pepper to taste
juice & zest of 1 lemon
Step 1 - Cook pasta - be sure to add salt

Step 2 - In 1 table spoon of olive oil, heat up cooked chicken - get a few char marks - they taste great

Step 3 - Throw everything else in (except for the lemon juice and zest) until it's all heated through and coming together nicely

Step 4 - Drain pasta and toss in sauce

Step 5 - Plate and top with fresh parmesean cheese

See - it's that simple. It's healthy. It's delicious. And it was soooo quick that I'm making it again tonight.

Just a few simple ingredients

The sauce...nothing but infused oil.

The finished plate


  1. LOL. Why the last time I went grocery shopping I got me a nice sized bag of peas? Cause I read this blog, that's why. I'm so excited to say that I have everything on your ingredients list expect the pepper flakes, and who knows, there may be some pepper flake packets from a pizza restaurant stashed somewhere, LOL.

    I feel like chicken tonight, chicken tonight, chicken tonight!

  2. LOL - don't laugh...but that's where I got my red pepper flakes from. I went for pizza and had leftovers - they gave me a container of red pepper flakes and cheese...I used the red pepper flakes - lol

  3. i really hope it's as easy as you say - looks great

  4. A very delicious pasta combination. A lovely and simple weeknight supper.

    I'd have to pick those darned peas out though. ;-)

  5. Looks delicious, Can't wait to try it. Love your site. Thanks for checking out mine:)

  6. LOL@ y'all for the red pepper flakes. If/when you decide to buy some, keep them in the fridge. They'll stay fresher longer. Otherwise, they'll turn brown and stale.

    I've been using hot water to start my pasta these days. I hate waiting for it to boil, so why not help it out a little?

  7. Ah! Look at those huge parmesan curls! Looks delicious!

  8. Wow, this looks great... nice blog here :)

  9. You are that real deal! Parmesan curls and everything???

    I see you Chef!!!

  10. It can't be that easy. It looks too good. :)

  11. looks so good

    can you freeze me some and ship me a plate!!!

  12. Looks tasty! What are those sliced things on top?

  13. Delicious! I think I would use a can of good tuna though - for some reason I really don't care for chicken with pasta. But the lemon and peas and seasonings! Yum!

  14. That looks delish! Mmmm yum!

  15. That looked great. Looks like tomorrows dinner.

  16. That looks real good from over here :)

  17. Sounds really good. I like how you layer the flavors, like you said. What's great about that is that the final dish isn't 1D.

  18. Pasta makes great quick and tasty meals and this pasta sound both quick and tasty.

  19. That first pic looks sooooo good. I love pasta made this way. I am bookmarking this one. Really nice job (and photo).

  20. YUMM to lemom, peas, and chicken!

  21. WOw - it's realyl *that* easy? Looks fantastic, especially with the generaous shavings of cheese on top!

  22. Thanks for writing this.

  23. when i first cooked it, it tasted funny cuz i think i had too much lemon zest in it. however, by the second day this dish was off da chain! i wish it had been a lil less oily, though. i think i put too much oil in it.

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