Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Diablo Cream Whole Grain Linguini - My Style!

So simple you don’t even need a recipe – kinda. I'm serious. This is the kind of 20-minute meal I'm talking about. It's quick, simple, easy, and tastes great! I topped mine with a bit of seared salmon - nothing too fancy. I dare you to try it.

Oh yea, you should enlarge the picture. It's gonna be like food porn.

Oh..let me mention...I wasn't going to make this with peas, I really wasn't. BUT I was torn. You should have seen me sweating bullets trying to determine if I'd add peas or not. To add, or not...that is the question. In the end - I'm thinking if there's pasta and cream, there has to be peas. Sorry, no exception to this rule - at least not when I'm cooking...lol.

Diablo Cream Whole Grain Linguini

½ pound of whole grain linguini, cooked and drained
½ cup of canned chopped tomatoes with juice
2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup of frozen green peas
½ cup of heavy cream
1 table spoon of butter
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
½ teaspoon of salt
½ teaspoon of pepper
Fresh Parmesan cheese

In a skillet heat oil and butter together until melted. Add garlic and sauté for 30 second. Add tomatoes with juice, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Cook for 2 minutes until sauce comes together. Add peas and parsley. Cook for another 30 second. Toss in linguini and mix well. Top with shaved Parmesan cheese.

The finished plate - I must admit...I went back for seconds!

This was me seasoning the salmon I paired with the meal.

Here are all the ingredients. Not that many, right?

The Diablo sauce!

The Diablo sauce was creamed and I added peas and pasta!

Another picture of the final plating.


  1. See, you know I am a pasta girl, I think you are cooking for me.
    I am really getting into the whole grain pasta too, so toothsome and satisfying. The salmon is an especially nice touch.

  2. Oh, yummy! I love to add cream in pasta dishes! Really tasty and highly satisfying!



  3. that linguini looks so good - fantastic creation you've got here

  4. Oof, I think I put on a couple just reading this :) Love it!

  5. I like that you used peas...a sweet contrast to the heat.

    Also, the triangle plate is MIGHTY!

  6. Yum .... I love anything in a cream sauce! This looks very fresh and tasty.

  7. I love your plate! So fun! And the pasta looks wonderful!

  8. Love your linguine, in fact I had a package in my pantry , this is a good excuse to use it.
    The photo looks yummy

  9. The diablo cream looks like a nice simple sauce. It looks like it has a lot of versatility too.

  10. I like the photo of the whole grain pasta in the pan over the cream sauce..

    Thumbs up on the peas Darius!

  11. Yup. It was like food porn. No, no. It was food porn.

  12. The final plating is beautiful and this looks super easy to make, I might try making it this weekend

  13. Pasta + Cream = Peas

    That is simple arithmetic when it comes to cooking - you are sooo right!

  14. I usually shy away from cream sauces due to the calories but this sounds really good and easy to make, and the salmon makes it healthy.

    Have fun in Key West, Darius! Try the conch chowder and conch fritters. We liked them both at Hog's Breath Saloon the best! Kermit's by the historic seaport had the best Key Lime Pie! Everyone said to try the pie at the Blond Giraffe shops, which are all over, but we like Kermit's the best. I have a video link on my first Key West blog post where he shows you how he makes his pies.

    Pat in NY

  15. Nice and spicy!!! In cream to boot!!! Love it!

  16. Love it! What a great blog this is! I can't believe I'm just now discovering this. Man, it's clear that you put a LOT of work into this (cooking, photographing, writing)...where on earth do you find the time? This dish looks deLISH!

  17. That was like food porn. I felt like I was just seeing too much.

  18. Mmmm. That looks so good....and LOL and the "Food Porn". hahaha


  19. Beautiful! I love how light the sauce appears to be!

  20. Love this pasta, creamy and spicy just they way I love it. Great blog.

  21. I love anything with "diablo" in the title. The peas add a nice touch of color - something I always appreciate. And, your salmon is a great addition. Why do I never think of that?!?!? Great job, Darius!

    I love your blog - it's been a while since I've dropped by. Please forgive.

    Ci vediamo,

  22. My goodness, that looks delicious! And you are right... peas are a serious add when pasta and cream are involved... I love just peas and pasta, creamy butter and, when on hand, a touch of cream, (and maybe a pinch of chili flakes) so I can see how this would be great!
    Thanks for stopping by, I'll be back for more :)

  23. Didn't we just talk about the fact that peas are gross?

    But the rest of it looks fantastic!!


  24. What can I say [that I haven't ALREADY said] --- Looks absolutely deelicious!!!

  25. Diablo cream, seriously that is awesome and devilish and perfect for me! Love it!

  26. love simple yet delicious meals like this ... Huge on time saving and taste!

  27. This dish looks amazing! Thanks for sharing-and yes, peas are a must with cream sauces ;)

  28. Heavy cream, red pepper flakes? What's not to love here. I would eat way too much of this delish dish.

  29. Dang Darius, these pics make me want to lick my screen. *sigh* I'm gonna need you to stop thru and cook a sista a meal or two.

  30. oh dear, your pasta dish is simply awesome!!! will have to try making this soon... :)

  31. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the addition of heavy cream with ingredients like these - looks great!

  32. I found your blog through a comment left on the Whistle Stop Cooking blog, I love it! Can't wait to read back through the archives!

  33. I'm hungry and that final plating looks delicious! :)

  34. Quick, simple and tasty is one of my favorite food combos! This meal fits the bill perfectly. I like that full tablespoon of red chili pepper flakes.

  35. mmmm i love a good, spicy cream sauce! looks delicious

  36. Hot and spicy and totally yum! It looks wonderful!

  37. Mmmmm, love that cream sauce! I bet it tasted terrific with olive oil, butter, AND cream! I bet it would taste great with or without peas, but since you served it with salmon, I think the peas were a good choice! Couple other things, I love cooking with wooden spoons, and I also love your plate and fancy dining fork! YUM!

  38. Now that looks delicious. I was looing for something different with salmon and since I love pasta and spicy dishes this is it!!! What a great recipe!

  39. So good! I love the salmon on the side.

  40. WOW! looks so good, and i read the ingredieants and I actually know wgat they all are (unlike in some cookbooks lol),

    so will have to try this when i want to indulge, or who knows try it out on some guys (maybe the 2nd or 3rd try lol )

  41. wow, I swear that I just view my first food porn and I gotta say.....its XXX rated

  42. food porn eh? I think ur right.... I did it and got excited...

  43. Rachel Ray has nothing on you! This looks fast and delicious.

  44. Scanned the ingredients... Nodded the whole way down. I would've licked the plate clean for sure.

  45. Wow Darius... that is a king size dish!!! This could feed the 3 of us ;D.
    Loved the salmon and the linguini, but who doesn't?
    Could I have a small portion? ;D

  46. My father is a huge fan of pasta and I always try to bake one for him whenever we see my parents. He has yet to be fully blown away by any of the recipes i've tried. Simplicity is key, and yours looks perfect! Can't wait to try it.

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