Monday, January 26, 2009
What Do You Do In Your Spare Time?

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Mid-Week Comfort Meal
Need a middle of the week "pick me up?" Don't worry, sometimes we all do. This meal hits the nail on the head! It's simple, easy, and delicious - and it's a mid week comfort meal that you'll be cooking all the time!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Cooking My Way To Skinny

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Easy Chinesey
Easy Chinesey from Darius Williams on Vimeo.
Easy Chinesey 2 from Darius Williams on Vimeo.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Garlic Basil Cream w/Pancetta

Saturday, January 10, 2009
www.everydaycookin.com - it's launched
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Chinese Fake Out - Still Skinny Cooking!

Sunday, January 4, 2009
What Have I Been Doing?
This is so unlike me - is it not? I mean, you haven't seen a real blog post from me in ages! No laughter - no seriousness - oh my word - what's happening with me. Let's just say that a brotha has been busy over here.
I'm trying to keep up with blog posts - but there are sooo many and you know, there are so little hours in the day. I'm doing the best I can.
So, next week - 7 days from today to be exact - I'm supposed to be launching a website called everydaycookin.com. It's going to be "the everyday site for the everyday cook."
Let me ask you a question...do you think I'm ready? Ha! Hecks no! This is a lotta work - why didn't someone tell me. I've been cooking my arse off - taking food pictures - writing restaurant reviews - and everything else you can think of related to food. So, forgive me if I seem a little out of wack - I'll return to the normal Darius soon...I suppose. In the mean time and in between time - here's a look at what I've been doing.
If I don't have your e-mail address - e-mail me so I can add you to my everydaycookin.com mailing list - darius@everydaycookin.com....okay?!?!?!