Sunday, December 28, 2008

December 29, 1981

That was a good day. Today is a reminder for me that I'm officially 27 years old.

People have been asking me what do I plan on doing to celebrate...and my answer is simple...NOTHING.

You guys read about my life - you see how I live. Each day is a celebration for me, it really is. When I get the urge to live life, I live it. When I feel like celebrating others just because, I celebrate. When I decide to cook a good meal for myself just because, then I cook it. So, today for me is nothing more than just a reminder - because I vowed a long time ago to celebrate every stage of life when it happens...and that's what I do. So yup - today's my b-day - but it doesn't mean anything - lol.

In other news - the tapings for Everyday Cookin have been going phenomenally well! We've been having a blast. Here, take a peak!

Don't forget - 1/11/2009. If you want to get your e-mail on the Everyday Cookin'.com list - e-mail me - and I'll be sure to keep you updated...okay?!?!

Promo 2 from Darius Williams on Vimeo.


  1. OK - you are SUCH the showman. And retarded. And hilarious. This is so funny and crazy!

  2. Ahahhahahaha - LOVE IT! Perfect with the over-talking while you're taping, ribbing the other guys, playing with accents, making mango jokes -- it's real.

  3. Oh - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Great explanation of living each day like it's a cause to celebrate... you are a wise old soul at such a young age.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY hot stuff! You're a natural on camera, WE LOVES IT.

  5. Happy Birthday, Darius! I hope you had a great day!

    Best wishes for the New Year!



  6. offical 27 i can't wait til i am 20 lol

  7. Happy Birthday to you "mon"!!!!!The show looks like a lot of fun so far Darius. Keep up the exc ellent work 'mon'.

  8. You're having lots of fun and it shows...don't stop having fun, D!

    Happy Birthday and work on that Carribean accent! lol

  9. Happy Birthday! The show is going to be great! Can't wait for the new site. Can we say we knew you when?
    PS - thanks for making me crave fried chicken at eight in the morning!

  10. Happy Birthday! I celebrated mine on the 26th of December, but I did have my last child in 1981 ... LOL

    Six decades for me :)

  11. That was too doggone funny! I am looking forward to this show.

    Happy belated B-day:)

  12. Happy birthday. Your show is great, as is your excellent food.

    I think I'm your oppoiste. I love people making fusses over my birthday. I'm such an attention whore/drama queen. I'll take any excuse to cook a nice meal, but I love having an excuse to have someone buy me dinner!

  13. Happy birthday, Darius! And best of luck to you with your filming project in the new year.

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have good food and enjoy your time relaxing ;)

  15. I love it, you are a natural, maybe I already told you that! When you get to be my age ya know! I cant wait!

  16. Happy birthday, Darius, with many happy returns!

  17. Happy Birthday you self lover you! Hope you had a great Christmas and that your New Year is wonderful!

  18. Happy Birthday Punkin! Smooches!

  19. Happy Birthday to you! I am glad every day is a celebration! That is how it should be!

  20. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day of doing absolutely nothing - this is precisely how I love to celebrate my birthday as well, lol.

  21. Hey, it's my daughter's 22nd birthday! So happy birthday to both of you!

  22. Happy Birthday!
    I love how you're trying to stay professional your crew is so not taking you seriously.
    I like the Spanish accent best (mango scene), use that one! LOL

  23. Happy Birthday! How about I was a junior in high school when you were born! I could be yo' mama (probably high school dropout mama). I can't wait for the show in January!

  24. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  25. Hilarious! Happy Birthday!

  26. yall r havin a ball over there. i love it. hope ur day was great!

  27. 27 was a good year for me, hope it is for you, too. Looks like a fun time with the taping. Happy Birthday!!!

  28. Happy birthday, kiddo! You're just a baby. Your vids are hilare.

  29. Happy belated birthday. I am so glad you are having fun, that's what its all about. Don't stop enjoying life!

  30. HAPPY belated birthday!! Great view on life and celebrating every day! Hope this next year is a wonderful one for you.

  31. You're a natural in front of the camera, Darius! I'm impressed!
    I've been kind of out of the loop this past month, but I want to wish you a Merry belated Xmas and a Happy New Year! And, Happy Birthday to you too!

  32. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Darius! Congrats on the show -- I love the clips you showed here.

    I have a feeling 2009 will bring you many wonderful and happy things!

  33. Happy Birthday Darius!!!


    I wanted to holler at you when I was in Chicago--you know how crazy it is at this time of year. I was there for about 36 hours and had to see about 20 people--and I messed up!

    I will definitely visit you next time and please DO make sure to contact us if you are Atlanta bound. Happy New Year and please forgive me!!!!

  34. 27? Dang. I was 27 about a hundred years ago. You guys are having WAY too much fun. But I do need risotto lessons, I tell you. Happy Birthday, and a Very Happy New Year to you Darius!

  35. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
    Your videos are hilarious, you guys look like you are having tons of fun.
    Happy New Year!

  36. Happy belated birthday; and happy New Year!!! Love the video :-D

  37. Happy Belated Birthday and Happy New Year.. ummm Can we switch Kitchens? I mean just a thought.

    Go B.

  38. Happy Belated Birthday - I love that you guys are a bit nuts and alot of fun. Always keep your sense of humour.

  39. HAPPY NEW YEAR and Happy Belated Birthday!

  40. Happy belated birthday to you and a very Happy New Year too!!!! Great video!!!!

  41. Happy Belated B-day and Happy New Year!!!!!!

    You are so funny. It looks like you guys were having so much fun. Ok, now I really want some Mango. Lol

  42. Now, that's entertainment!

    Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Darius!


  43. You are hilarious!! I want to make that risotto!

  44. Happy belated birthday dear Darius and have a lovely wonderful New Year, really I whish and thanks by all!! Gloria

  45. Happy birthday, you spring chicken you!

  46. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
