Sunday, January 4, 2009

What Have I Been Doing?

This is so unlike me - is it not? I mean, you haven't seen a real blog post from me in ages! No laughter - no seriousness - oh my word - what's happening with me. Let's just say that a brotha has been busy over here.

I'm trying to keep up with blog posts - but there are sooo many and you know, there are so little hours in the day. I'm doing the best I can.

So, next week - 7 days from today to be exact - I'm supposed to be launching a website called It's going to be "the everyday site for the everyday cook."

Let me ask you a you think I'm ready? Ha! Hecks no! This is a lotta work - why didn't someone tell me. I've been cooking my arse off - taking food pictures - writing restaurant reviews - and everything else you can think of related to food. So, forgive me if I seem a little out of wack - I'll return to the normal Darius soon...I suppose. In the mean time and in between time - here's a look at what I've been doing.

If I don't have your e-mail address - e-mail me so I can add you to my mailing list -!?!?!



  1. I'm drooling! Wow, you've been cooking up a storm! Everything looks so appetizing! I can't wait to see your new site!



  2. thats a heap-o-good grub you got going on here...Happy New Year Darius!

  3. Wow Darius thats a lot of food and responsibility you have taken on. Take it easy and keep it fun.

  4. I am so looking forward to your new site! I have a new email, so I'll send it to you.

  5. Doggonit boy... now I'm hungry. HUMPH.

    Great pics!

  6. Those chicken wings look good. And, those brussels sprouts are so bright. Was that tilapia? All looks good!

  7. Everything looks great, and it looks like you're having fun!

  8. wow! EVERYTHING looks good, including YOU!
    I am starving, didn't I eat enough this past weekend????
    Stacey Snacks

  9. haha, i'd love to be in your kitchen, looks like you have a ball!!

  10. Wow, sounds (and looks!) like a lot of work! Good luck! =)

  11. It does look like you've been busy! At least busy cooking is the fun type of busy :) I'll keep my eyes open for the new site!

  12. Wow, that all looks so dang delicious. I'm thinking I just need to you move to Colorado and be my personal Chef. Sound like a plan?? Great! Lets make that happen.

  13. Wow is right, those dishes look great, looking forward to your new site.

    Happy New Year!

  14. You are definitely ready! I'm ready for dinner, what time? Everything looks fantastic, I know your new website will be a hit.

    Belated happy birthday.

  15. I'm excited to hear all about all of that great food I'm looking at.

    Good luck with the new site!

  16. My, oh my, you have been a busy boy. My mouth is watering jus looking at the photos. :)

  17. I am so excited! I was just grinning away at the pictures. Can't wait!

  18. Best wishes on your new adventure. I am looking forward to the new site!

  19. Best wishes on your new adventure. I am looking forward to the new site!

  20. Best wishes on your new adventure. I am looking forward to the new site!

  21. Oh Wow!!!! I love how appetizing all your food looks from start to dessert! Love the chicken wings, the prawn paella and you make brussel sprouts look SO GOOD!!!!!! Yummy!!!!

  22. Damn, I dont know which one I want you to cook for me

    Just to let you know that I love THAI FOODS!

  23. Great pictures! Sounds like you are swamped. I think everyone is struggling to get back in the groove with regular posts. I'm just barely there this week. Happy New Year!

  24. Congrats on the website, and happy belated birthday. I remember 27 like it was just a decade ago ;) Hope you had a blast even if you didn't do anything special. And the food, whoa! You just blew my diet out the door :)

    Have a great year, Darius!

  25. So much great food!

    Much success with your videos!

  26. Looking forward to your new website!! Your food looks amazing.

  27. I watched your previous videos Darius. I think your new enterprise will really fly with a dash of your personality thrown in as you do.One thing though I shouldn't have come over here before breakfast!!!!!!!!!

  28. Looks like you have been busy and having fun!!! All the food looks great!

  29. You are READY!! Man, look at all that delicious food!! Insane :D

  30. YUM! So when do we get the recipes for all this delicious-looking food?

  31. Cheers to you!!! you are definitely the man to do this... Happy New Year!!! and belated happy birthday... :)

  32. Hey Darius, thanks for keeping us drooling and inspired. Your dishes look great, the site will be a success, and you'll keep dazzling us with those feet you put in them dishes!

    All the best and cheers!


    PS: I sent you my e-mail address offline for your mailing list.

  33. hmmm. I love a MAN that can COOK!! yOUR BEAUTIFUL!!

  34. Wow amazing dishes, and love the kitchen.

  35. Man, you've been busy!! All the best for 2009.
